Saturday, November 26, 2011

10% Off Leaf Removal Coupon

Hello everyone!
Now that most of the leaves have fallen, we're offering a 10% discount on leaf removal. "Like" us on Facebook or become a Twitter follower and receive an additional 10% off. The discount is good until December 31, 2011. 
Find out more about us at

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leaf Season is Here...

Hello everyone! 
     With the beautiful weather we've had, along with the shorter days, the warm season grasses have begun to go dormant.  As the mowing season winds down, that means that leaf season is coming into full swing! All of the beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges that were in the trees are now on the lawns and in the beds. To keep the landscaping looking its best, it's important to get the leaves up.  Leaf removal has several benefits. First, it improves the look of the property. Second, removing the leaves will keep the lawn from "smothering" when the leaves get wet from rain. It is important to let the lawn "breathe" just like any other living organism. Leaf removal is also important to keep objects such as hoses, toys, tools, and other objects from becoming lost beneath the leaf cover. 
     Leaf removal can be a very labor intensive experience for the average homeowner. Usually armed with little more than a rake and trash bags, or the occasional bagging lawn mower, leaf removal can take many hours for even a small yard.  Hiring a landscaper to remove the leaves from your property can save you many hours of extra work. At Burton's All Season Landscaping, we use equipment that can make your property leaf-free much faster than a homeowner can. Using backpack blowers, push blowers, commercial grade rakes and tarp, along with special blades and grass catchers on commercial grade mowers, we can clear even large properties in just a few hours. Also, no need to worry about hauling off the leaf piles, we do that too. 
Contact us for your free leaf removal quote.
Phone:  864-378-2932
Also, check out our website.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beat the Heat...

Hello everyone! Just a reminder to keep those sprinklers running in this heat. The best time to water is early morning (5a.m. or so).  Watering time is important to avoid excessive evaporation or risk of fungus development. Also, avoid light, frequent watering to encourage root growth.  Send any questions to, or give us a call at (864) 378-2932. Also, check out our website: 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Irrigation Checks

     Although it may not seem like it now, warm weather will be upon us shortly.  If you have an irrigation system, now is the time to make sure it's up and running properly. Checking for breaks, leaks, and proper run times will not only make sure your yard looks great, but can also save you a lot of money. Burton's All Season Landscaping specializes in irrigation and can make sure your system is operating properly. Our irrigation checks start as low as $15. Our checklist includes:
  • Checking each zone for broken or leaking pipes
  • Checking each rotor or spray head for proper operation and spray pattern.
  • Checking the controller for the proper run-times and timing.
  • Checking for main-line leaks or breaks.
  • Adjusting rotors and spray heads - No additional charge!
  • Providing a quote to repair or replace any areas that need attention.
     A properly operating irrigation system can make your landscaping look great by watering the landscaping enough so there are no dry areas that can damage the shrubs, trees, and turf. Also, by repairing any broken or leaking pipes, there will by no "wash-outs" which are not only visually unappealing, but also dangerous. By properly timing the irrigation, you can also save money. Irrigation is best when run in the very early morning before sunrise. This ensures minimum evaporation, but allows any standing water to evaporate when the sun rises and thus minimizes fungus. Adjusting watering times to best suit the type and maturity of the plants being watered by that zone can also save you money by not over-watering. This also promotes better root growth and plant health.
     If you would like to have your irrigation system checked, give us a call (864) 378-2932 or e-mail us at For more information or to send a request for a quote, visit our website at

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Start Up...

Hello everyone. Now that everything is starting to warm up, here are some tips to get your yard in shape for the start of the season:
- For Bermuda lawns, now is the time to scalp and bag your Bermuda. Mow it short and bag the clippings. This will remove the dormant layer on top and allow the ground underneath to warm up faster. This in turn will allow the grass to "green up" quicker.  
- Also, now is the time to put out your pre-emergent for lawns. This will help control weeds before they get show up in the lawn.
- Getting leaves out of the beds and off the lawn should also be done.  
- Installing new mulch will give your beds a fresh look. Mulch comes in a variety of colors and textures such as black, brown, red, gold as well as pine bark nuggets, mini nuggets, pine straw, and rubber mulch.

These are just a few tips to help start your yard off right for the season. For more information, give us a call (864) 378-2932 or check out our website-

Stay tuned for more updates....


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring 2011 Flyer

Hello everyone! Now that the weather is warming up and the flyers are in, our marketing for this season has begun. So, if you're interested in landscaping, irrigation, or lawn care for your home or business, then contact us for your FREE quote.
 Give us a call - (864) 378-2932 or visit our website for more information on our services and rates.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The new flyers, magnets, and business cards are in. Look for them around Greer soon...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We're on Facebook!

Just a reminder, everyone is welcome to join our Facebook page...
Want more information about us? Check out our website at

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why we do what we do....

Welcome back everyone! Hope you have checked out our website 

In this post we'll give more of an explanation of why the services we offer are important. Many people don't understand the importance or reasoning behind the different property management services.
  • Landscape installation - Installing new landscaping can make your home or business look completely different. If you want to give your property an upgraded look, as well as add value, a good place to start is with the landscaping.  If you're looking to sell your home, now is an extremely difficult time to do so. With home prices falling, and many people still trying to sell or rent their homes, it's more important that ever to make your property stand out from the rest. New landscaping can make that happen by increasing curb appeal. It's important to choose the right plant material and turf for your property. With years of installation experience, we can do that. In South Carolina, it's important to remember that there are no licensing requirements for landscapers. Being so, it's very important to select a landscaper that has knowledge of water, light, and location requirements for plant material and turf grass.
  • Landscape maintenance - As stated in the previous blog post, this is more than "mow, blow and go".  Sometimes, people don't understand the importance of full landscape maintenance. Some people forget that the lawn is not the only part of the landscaping that needs constant upkeep. If you invest in new landscaping, it's important to make sure it stays in good shape by maintaining, not just the turf, but also  all of the plant material. Depending on the landscaping, full maintenance is only a few dollars more a month than lawn mowing, and also protects your investment into your landscaping. By maintaining all of the landscaping, you save money in the long run, by not having to replace plants and turf, or renovate beds when they become overrun with weeds and overgrowth.
  • Irrigation installation - Before installing new landscaping or when looking to improve existing landscaping, an irrigation system might be beneficial. Keeping plants and turf looking their best requires proper watering. An irrigation system also adds to property value.  As with landscaping, in South Carolina, there are no licensing requirements to install irrigation systems. So, again, it's important to select a contractor who has proven experience. Because many home owners have limited knowledge of irrigation, they are often misinformed about not only the cost, but also the system as a whole. Depending on local codes, many homes can have a full irrigation system installed by us for around $1500.  All of our sprinkler systems are installed in accordance with local codes. We also install all our piping to minimize pipe stress and reduce the chances of a break or leak.  We only use quality brand parts such as Rain Bird and Hunter.  Also, we only install irrigation on properties that have had the utilities properly located.
  • Irrigation repair - When an irrigation system does break, it's important to have it repaired as soon as possible to minimize drought stress. We offer service calls starting at just $50. This includes coming to the property, finding and diagnosing the problem, and quoting the repair of the system, which in most cases is only an additional $5-$10 for parts. 
  • Lawn care - Keeping the lawn looking nice is important for the health of the turf. Weeds and invasive species can overtake a lawn in a surprisingly short amount of time.  Keeping the turf in good shape depends on a couple of factors. One of which is mowing height. Bermuda needs to be mowed short, around 1"- 2", and should be mowed weekly. Fescue should be mowed higher, around 2.5"- 3.5".  Another way to keep grass healthy is to aerate. By core aerating, more air and moisture are able to get into the soil and encourage growth. Different species need to be aerated during different seasons.   Also, by not bagging clippings, more nutrients are being put back into the soil from the decaying clippings.
  • Pruning - Pruning plants and shrubs is important, not only aesthetically, but also for the health of the plant. Pruning keeps growth under control and can keep disease from spreading. Pruning also reduces the number of insects in the plant and thus can reduce the number of insects entering nearby buildings and structures.
  • Mulch and pine straw installation -Mulch or pine straw in planting beds helps to hold in moisture as well as insulate the root zone. Mulch provides a new appearance to the property by adding a fresh look to the beds.  When done after pruning, mulch can make older landscaping look new again.  Pine straw costs less than mulch, but also needs refreshing sooner than mulch. For the customer on a budget, mulching and pruning together can do wonders for curb appeal.
  • Leaf and debris removal - Removing leaves, sticks and debris from beds and grass areas give a clean appearance and make the landscaping safer.  Keeping turf areas free of leaves will aid in keeping healthy turf. Removing sticks and limbs will reduce mower damage and reduce the risk of  debris being thrown from a mower.    

Landscaping requires knowledge and experience to be done correctly. By following these simple guidelines, your property can become and continue being not only visually appealing, but healthy as well.
If you would like to find out more about your landscaping or irrigation, contact us:

Burton's All Season Landscaping 
(864) 378-2932

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello and welcome....

      Welcome to the first blog post for Burton's All Season Landscaping!  This post will inform you about our business and let you know what we offer service-wise. We will also give a more in-depth explanation of our services.  In future posts, we will give insight into the landscaping and irrigation industries, provide helpful hints and tips, and share helpful and useful articles, websites, and news that pertain to landscaping, irrigation, and grounds maintenance.
     Burton's All Season Landscaping is a family owned landscaping business out of Greer, SC. We offer a full range of landscaping services that include:
  • Landscape Installation - This includes developing both rough and more detailed landscaping plans. Installing the new landscaping including trees, shrubs, plants, and ground cover.
  • Landscape Maintenance - Not just "mowing the lawn", but also weed control, pruning, plant management, and mulch adjustments. Any service that keeps the landscape as a whole looking neat and managed.
  • Lawn Care - This involves mowing turf areas, line trimming (weedeating), edging hard surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and patios. Also edging the turf where the grass meets the bed lines to give a sharp edge to the turf. Each type of lawn has its own best maintenance practices. This is our most basic maintenance service.
  • Irrigation installation - Developing an irrigation plan that best suits the water requirements of the landscaping. Installing the irrigation system using techniques that minimize pipe stress, wear and tear, and the need for future repairs. All irrigation systems are installed in accordance with the codes for the particular location.
  • Irrigation Repair - This involves not only locating and fixing the problem(s), but also adjusting and relocating sprinkler heads, bubblers, and drip lines to avoid both under-applying and over-applying water. 
  • Pruning - Trimming plant material to give the landscaping a neater, manicured appearance. 
  • Mulch and Pine Straw Installation - Installing mulch and pine straw in planting beds give a newer appearance to the landscaping.  All mulch used is quality double-ground mulch from a reputable supplier and comes in a variety of colors including brown, black, red, and gold. Pine straw is also available and comes in long and short leaf needles. 
  • Sod Installation - Involves not only the sod installation itself, but also the preparation. Clearing the new turf area of existing ground cover or plants, old or dead sod, and debris begins this process. Then grading the area to ensure a smooth surface free of roots and small debris. Sod comes in a variety of types Bermuda, Fescue, and Zoysia are the most popular types in the upstate.  Each has its own advantages, disadvantages, and locations for where it is best used. 
  • Leaf and Debris Removal - Removing leaf accumulations from the property. This service can be a one time service or weekly depending on the needs of the property. Debris removal is performed after an event such as as storm, ice storm or other event that leaves yard debris that needs to be removed. 
  • Spring and Fall Cleanups - In the spring and fall, the landscaping needs to be cleaned. When the lawn is not being maintained during the cold months, leaves, sticks and other debris will accumulate. Removal of this debris is best preformed both before and after the mowing and leaf seasons and will help to reduce the damage this debris can cause on landscaping.
Our services are tailored to fit the needs of the property as well as the client. We offer year round landscape maintenance or as little as a one-time mowing.

Contact us:
Burton's All Season Landscaping
Phone:  (864) 378-2932
We're also on Facebook!

We realize that many people are busy during the day, so our webpage offers a quick, easy way to request a quote. Just go to and click on the "Contact Us" tab. Fill out the form, and click "Send".  

Stay tuned for more updates and posts.